
AQ900L - AQ1500L Premium

Extra-Large Wire-Cut Flat Linear EDM

AQ-Premium Series - Sodick precision XL, XXL & XXXL wire cut EDM

  • AQ900L PremiumXYZ travel 900 × 600 × 400 mm / UV travel = 920 x 620 mm / workpiece weight 2000 kg.
  • AQ1200L PremiumXYZ travel 1200 × 800 × 400 (600) mm / UV travel = 1220 x 820 mm / workpiece 4000 kg. 
  • AQ1500L PremiumXYZ travel 1500 × 1000 × 600 mm / UV travel = 1520 x 1020 mm / workpiece 8000 kg. 

Large size wire cut EDM machine-tools with all accuracy and quality you would expect from Sodick.

The AQ Series is Sodick’s line of large work area and extreme taper Wire EDMs. The AQ900L is a highly rigid machine which is ideal for machining large sized dies.

High speed, precision and accuracy with linear motors plus LP control technology. Solid models can be directly imported maximising cutting efficiency, reducing work flow and programming errors.

In response to the growing demand for large dies spurred by the huge popularity of large screen TV’s, the AQ900L Premium, also equipped with LP Power supply have been designed especially for machining large size dies for large size components as well as for automobile parts such as instruments, panels and bumpers.

A distinctive feature of all the machines of the AQ series is the complex cast iron meehanite iron bed, with the worktable supports cast in the front and the heavy-duty gantry in the rear.

The X-axis carriage moves the lower ceramic arm of the guide wire block along a guide on the bed under the gantry, while the lower ceramic arm moves inside the X-axis carriage of the Y-axis. The U-axis carriage (parallel to the X-axis) moves along the rigid gantry, which is integral with the bed, and is driven by the V-axis carriage (parallel to the Y-axis). The strokes in the UV axis of each machine in the series are 20 mm longer than in the XY axis. This enables a taper cutting angle of more than ±30°/100 mm.

  • Лінійні сервоприводи з XYUV з планарними (плокопаралельними) лінійними двигунами (ЛД) та контролером K-SMC власної розробки та виробництва.
  • Абсолютні лінійні датчики зворотного зв’язку по осях XY і UV з роздільною здатністю 10 нм (0,01 мкм) Heidenhain.
  • X Y U V axis FLAT Linear Motors 
  • X Y U V axis absolute linear scales 10 nano (0,01 micron) Heidenhain.
  • Ceramic Work-Zone. Improvement in geometric accuracy by 3-4 times in comparison with metal-plastic working areas of non-Sodick EDMs.
    Sodick ceramics thermal expansion is merely 4.5×10-6/°С.

    Complete galvanic (electric) isolation of the Work-zone.
  • Hand scraped contacting bearing surfaces of meehanite cast iron parts
  • All bearing construction parts of low thermal expansion meehanite cast iron (11×10-6/°С)
  • Extra wide machine bed – superb horizontality at the extremes of travels 
  • THK SSR guideways (caged ball technology) designed for use primarily in precision measuring machines. The guideways can withstand movements 100 times more than the distance from the Earth to the Moon and back.
  • Електроіскровий КЧПУ-генератор 5-го покоління LP2WH з функцією Perfect Active Control.
  • Linear motor cooling unit
  • LP2WH high speed generator
  • Intelligent Q³vic EDW
  • Remote controller
  • Esprit CAM software offline (regional option)
  • Automatic Tank Door
  • Work stand bridge
  • Improved Ease of Operation
  • High speed electrolysis free circuit
  • Energy saving circuit
  • SODICK Fine Corner Control
  • FTII (Fine pick-up function)
  • Automatic water level control
  • Super jet AWT (Automatic wire threader)
  • Wire end remover
  • Wire chopper
  • Receiver for max. 20 kg wire coils
  • Dielectric cooling unit
  • Voltage stabiliser
  • LAN interface
  • 15″ TFT screen
  • Totalising hour metre
  • Work light
  • USB port
  • Record-breaking small or negligable modified surface layer (confirmed by laboratory studies)!
Sodick Green EDM
Sodick 10 years positioning accuracy guarantee
Machine ToolAQ900LAQ1200LAQ1500L

XY axis travel (flat linear)

900 × 600 mm1200 × 800 mm1500 × 1000 mm

Z axis travel (ball-screw)

400 mm

400 mm
(Z=600 – option)

600 mm

UV axis travel (flat linear)

920 × 620 mm1220 × 820 mm1520 × 1020 mm
Taper angle±30°

Max. workpiece dimensions

1200 × 900 × 400 mm1600 × 1200 × 400 mm1900 × 1400 × 600 mm

Max. workpiece weight

2000 кг4000 кг 8000 кг

Work tank dimensions

1374 × 1133 mm1824 × 1400 mm2124 × 1600 mm

Distance from floor to table top

1050 mm1200 mm1200 mm
Wire electrode diameter0.15 ~ 0.33 mm

Wire tension

3 ~ 23 H

Max. wire speed

420 mm/sec

Machine tool dimensions
(W x D x H)

2380 × 3150 × 2395 mm (with CNC-generator+dielectric tank)

4100 × 3870 × 2490 mm (with CNC-generator+dielectric tank)

5600 × 4435 × 2930 mm (with CNC-generator+dielectric tank)

Machine installation dimensions

3500 × 4200 mm5200 × 5200 mm6700 × 5765 mm

Machine tool weigh

8000 kg (with CNC-generator+dielectric tank)

11000 кг (with CNC-generator)


15000 кг (with CNC-generator)


Total power inpu

3-∅, 50/60 Hz, 13 kVA

Dielectric Tank


Capacity (demonised water)

1600 lit3000 lit5000 lit

Dielectric fluid filtration

3 replaceable paper filters SHF-25E or simular

4 replaceable paper filters (internal pressure) SHF-25E or simular

weight (empty)


850 kg(main tank) +550 kg (auxiliary)

1030 kg (main tank) +1010 kg (auxiliary)


18 lit

*Due to ongoing research, specifications are subject to change without prior notice

The dielectric chillers on Sodick machines contain either fluorinated greenhouse gas R410A or R407C

Sodick EDM service and maintanence

Innovation-Technical Centers "SodicoM"